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Chemistry quiz 01

Chemistry quiz 01

//main The father of modern chemistry ?
A. Niels Bohr
B. Rutherford
C. Lavoisier
D. William Perkkin

The lightest element known is ?
A. Oxygen
B. Mercury
C. Lithium
D. Hydrogen

Who discovered Carbon dioxide ?
A. Niels Bohr
B. Lavoisier
C. Chester F. Carison
D. Lumpadius

The colour of ammonium chloride is ?
A. White
B. Pink
C. Blue
D. Green

The gas mainly responsible for ozone depletion is ____ ?
A. Carbon monoxide
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Chlorofluro carbons
D. Silver iodide

Marie Curie isolated radium from which ore ?
A. Bauxite
B. Pitchblende
C. Limonite
D. Magnetite

The structure of the atom was discovered by ?
A. Lavoisier
B. Niels Bohr
C. John Dalton
D. Rutherford

Chemical name of washing soda is ?
A. Sodium carbonate
B. Sodium dioxide
C. Calcium carbonate
D. Calcium chloride

Milk contains _________ acid ?
A. Malik acid
B. Formic acid
C. Lactic acid
D. Ascetic acid

Vinyl plastics are mainly used as ?
A. Cohesive
B. plasticiser
C. Accelerator
D. Adhesive

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