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What is radar | When was radar first used

What is radar | When was radar first used ?

What is RADAR ?    

The word radar refers to a system by which the range, direction, altitude or speed of an object can be determined, by using radio waves
     Radio waves are similar to light waves. They travel at the same speed-but their waves have much longer wavelengths, and higher frequencies.
      The radio waves used by radar are produced by a piece of equipment called magnetron.
Once the radio waves have been generated, an antenna, working as a transmitter, hurls them into the air. The radio waves travel outward from antenna at the speed of light, and keep going until they hit something.
Then, some of them bounce back toward the antenna in a beam of reflected radio waves, also travelling at the speed of light. The antenna picks up the reflected radio waves and displays them on screen.
     Using radar, an operator can see any nearby ships or planes, where they are, how quickly they are travelling, and where they are heading.
What-is-radar | radar-panorama
Radar panorama
    ' The word radar stands for Radio Detection and Ranging.Mainly air traffic controllers use radar to track planes.'.                            

When was radar first used ? 

Christian Hulsmeyer was a Germen inventor. He is often credited with the invention of radar.His apparatus was called the 'Telemobiloscope'. However, it could not directly measure distance to a target, so it was not radar in the proper sense of the technology.
     In December 1934, Robert M Page, working at the Naval Research Laboratory, demonstrated a full radar system.
radar-antenna | what-is-radar-system
An old radar antenna
The following year, the US Army successfully tested primitive, surface-to-suraface radar. Great Britain was one of the leading developers of radar in the years before World War II.
On June 17th, 1935, radio-based detection and ranging or radar, was first demonstrated in Great Britain. Radar station were built around the British Isels to provide warning of an invasion from the air.
  Radar was used at first exclusively by the military. Now, radar is used by air traffic controllers to make sure that planes do not collide with each other.

Applications of RADAR       

1.Air Traffic Control
2.Identification of moving Objects (planes)
3.Ship Navigation
5.Battlefield and missile control
6.Air defense
7.Search and rescue operations

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