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Sports quiz part 01

Sports Quiz part-01

National sports day is celebrated on ?
A. February 26
B. August 29
C. February 29
D. August 26

What is the national game of Pakisthan ?
A. Cricket
B. Football
C. Hockey
D. Kabadi

National game of spain is ..?
A. Bull fighting
B. Football
C. Rugby
D. Hockey

Which is Asia's oldest tournament ?
A. AFC Cup
B. Youdan Cup
C. Santhosh trophy
D. Durand Cup

Oldest football tournament in the world is..?
A. English F.A Cup
B. UEFA champions league
C. Durand Cup
D. FIFA World Cup

The first Modern Olympic Games were held in ?
A. Athens
B. London
C. China
D. New York

The standard rules of boxing is known as ...?
A. Walsh Rules
B. Trench Rules
C. Duckworth Louis Rules
D. Queensberry Rules

The standard rules of boxing is known as ...?
A. Walsh Rules
B. Trench Rules
C. Duckworth Louis Rules
D. Queensberry Rules

What is the name of 'Baseball' ground ?
A. The Platinum
B. The Diamond
C. The Base park
D. The Base pitch

The first Indian to swim across the English Channel ?
A. Sona Sen
B. Anupam Mishra
C. Mihir Sen
D. Arathi Saha

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